If the search finds bonds or other securities that match your information, you'll get instructions on what to do next. You'll see dots for the Social Security Number to protect your privacy. You put in just a few pieces of information: Social Security Number State. You are missing payments for securities in a Legacy Treasury Direct account How do I use Treasury Hunt? When you are ready, click Continue at the bottom of the screen. On the next screen, you will be asked to enter your name, address, birth date and social security number. You are missing interest or other payments on HH savings bonds or other Treasury securities is number 38) hand, was terrific at every level up to AA, and good enough in AAA to earn a big league look at age 22. Make your selection and click the correct button. You or a loved one who died had savings bonds or other Treasury securities that are no longer earning interest but have never been cashed Treasury Hunt is our online search tool for finding matured savings bonds or missing interest.

Searching for a bond (Treasury Hunt®) What is Treasury Hunt?